Biophotonic Biohacking

Biophotonic therapy is the use of light to stimulate the body’s regenerative processes. The natural interaction between biological life and light photons is the foundation of all biophotonic therapy. It’s a holistic modality that addresses every dimension of wellness: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.Though the idea seems novel, it’s actually no different than absorbing vitamin D from sunshine. Indeed, biophotonic therapy has been in use since the early 20th century, and its efficacy is proven by empirical research and scientific study, much of which you can find right here, on our “Research” page.While traditional biophotonics utilize light in the infrared range, known as “red light therapy,” Acata Core Harmony does more. Our biohackers employ not only infrared light but also a
wider spectrum. Furthermore, our products are imbued with the frequencies of
thirty wellness ingredients.
For more information about our light spectrum and wellness frequencies, keep scrolling. In the world of biophotonics, Acata Core Harmony is truly on the cutting edge.

Learn more about how
biophotonic therapy works from
Dr. Michael R. Hamblin, one of the leading pioneers in the field of photobiomodulation.

Light Spectrum and Wellness Ingredients

While most biophotonic therapy devices offer light at only one point on the spectrum,
Acata Core Harmony’s
include five: 635nm, 660nm, 810nm, 850nm, and 940nm.Furthermore, we utilize waveforce harmonic imprinting to imbue our products with the frequencies of thirty
wellness ingredients:Alkalinity ☼ BH4 ☼ DHA ☼ EMF Protection ☼ Enzymes ☼ Far Infrared Light ☼ Flavonoids ☼ Glutathione ☼ Colostrum ☼Hydration ☼ Hydrogen ☼ Iodine ☼ L-Ascorbic Acid ☼Methylene Blue ☼ Moringa ☼ NAC ☼ NADH/NAD ☼Oxaloacetate ☼ Oxygen ☼ Pine Needle Oil ☼ Policosanol ☼Probiotics ☼ Red Algae ☼ Schumann Resonance ☼ Stem Cells ☼ Undaria Pinnatifida ☼ Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide
☼Vitamin B12 ☼ Vitamin D3

Acata Core Harmony™ is a Private Membership Association (PMA).

The information on this website is intended for members only.

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